Ninja By Night

Congrats Spiritgreen! :slight_smile:

Nothing more adorable than a ninja bunny.

Another kind of wascally wabbit.

Bun Fu… the legend continues… starring David Carotene.

Gratsy Mattsy… This shirt is a gem.

AWWWW! No fair :frowning: I wanted a kids size 4 for my granddaughter

So, that’s why my dog is so interested in killing rabbits.

WOW. just WOW!!!

Love the Shurikarrot!

Congrats on the print and good luck on the big prize!

Yay ninja!

Cute and cool! Congrats, SG.

Unfortunately the shirt is only cool in the dark. Other than that, it’s just an Easter shirt. :frowning:

Yeah, this was my favorite in the derby. It’s a cute, fun design by day and by night. It’s also the only design in the fog that wasn’t on a drab color shirt. Congrats spiritgreen, I hope you win!!

Go, Buninja, go!

Ah man, bunny-ninja sneak attacked the front page! Thanks to everyone who voted!!

I hope this is fun to wear - I tried to make the transformation really stand out. :^)

Fixed it for you. Much like Run Away! Run Away!, it’s the unsuspecting look in the day that makes it all the better.

Congrats on the win, SG! Now to flip a coin …

(… and this a day after picking up spares of your Legendarily Lost.)

A new way to convince kids to eat their vegetables. ‘You don’t want to upset the ninja rabbit.’ Congrats on yet another placing in the 10k challenge, Matt.

This is awesome and super cute
But pls note that bunnies shouldn’t really eat carrots except tiny amounts as a treat.
Bunnies may however use whole carrots to disguise weapons :slight_smile:

Thanks! This has been my best month on Woot ever.

Bunny Ninja!!! In for two – time to introduce nieces + nephews to glow in the dark shirts.

Really cute and well done, congrats!