Norcent DCS-860 8MP Digital Camera

Norcent , anybody know if this is worth the Beans ?

And let the record show that time of death is 1:45AM Central Daylight time.

They sold one of these back in June. Wonder if it’s the same one that got returned?

This one is shiny…is anyone getting whacked?

next needs to be something i cant live without, or something so bad that i can go to bed.

yes. I think it’s a woot trick so they can sell stuff before people start trashing items.

Where do you put the instant film cartridge?

Will this work on a MAC?

did a bear maul you?

garbage next

I gotta say that was a pretty good story. Made me laugh pretty good.

only on teh outside :frowning:

Looks cheap.

that was quick, bring on a woot-off bag o crap

20 question ftw

carp! sold out before I clicked on “I want one” This woot off is going at light speed tonite

here is review from amazon
its small…

Yea, no wires needed between you and the thing you are taking a picture of!

I can 't even refresh fast enough to see this stuff before it’s SOLD OUT.
Mind you, I don’t want it but how the H do you guys actually order this carp?