Northern Lights (Take II)

Awesome shirt.

In for one.

Got mine! Lovely design. I didn’t think Canada when I first saw the design…but I’m so glad that the voters did. It’s a beautiful shirt. Glad to see that it placed.

Congratulations to the artist. Can’t wait to receive it!

Really like this shirt lots!

Here’s the previous version (which I actually didn’t see until now - I kinda liked the compass N!)

Thanks for posting the link Molli. Hadn’t thought to check SDS…you’re smart! I’m also glad that the compass N isn’t included. I think the new version gives a softer overall feel.

Lovin’ the Ayn Rand reference… :slight_smile:

Awesome In for 1

alot better now than before imho…nice work. I’ll even throw caution to the wind and wear it in summer cuz some of us are just radicals

Congrats OD. (Much better without the N – a winner no less!)

Very nice, just a little to feminine for me.

First sucker: amm413
Speed to first woot: 0m -9.-017s

-9 seconds? Impressive.
I actually liked it more with the N, but either way it’s not bad.

I kind of thought the northern lights would be more impressive.

Oh well. One less thing to see before I die

That huge letter N was way too imposing on the design last time, though something more subtle, like a light layering of a compass star like this one, would have looked pretty nifty, probably.

In for one - congrats OpenDesign! :wink: I like the overall feel of the design, color, and placement.

WOO! This shirt is mine! WHAHAHAHAH!

congrats on the late entry win.

Congrats! I got one! I really like OD’s design for this week as well! Check it out here!

Nice design, just not enough going on to warrant a purchase from this dude. Congrats no less on your win and may this shirt sell out swiftly!

I personally like this one a lot better than the other Canadian ones. Not sure if that means I’m going to drop $10 on it ><

edit: i did =D

Congrats OpenDesign! Great job!

I honestly wish I had the $15 in my paypal account, because if I did, I would get this shirt right now! I’ve seen a lot of ‘good’ shirts here, but this is the first one that I’ve honestly said, “Yes, I want this shirt”. To the designer, congratulations!