Nurse Crappie

Nurse Crappie
Price: $5
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Unknown (Tuesday, Mar 17 to Wednesday, Mar 18) + transit
Condition: Really Crappy


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Previous Similar Sales (May not be exact model)
2/12/2015 - $5.00 (Woot-off)

Did you miss it? Here are some Crappy Tips

1. Stay Logged In - When the current item reaches 5%, log out of woot and log back in to keep your session fresh
2. Keep your cart clean - Clear out any sold out items from your cart
3. Refresh the Community Page - New items show up faster on the community page than they do on the main page. When an item is sold out, the forums are the place to be.
4. Click the image - Make sure you are clicking on the image of the crap, and not the text. This will get you directly to the Add to Cart page, and save you some more time

Dang it, super fast sell out AGAIN!

Damn, that went fast…


Jeez, that took about a millisecond.