
haahah, I felt strange for observing that so I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who saw it. I was a little afraid that I could actually be Bruce Wayne and that I had suppressed it. And uh, turned female.

tune in tomorrow. Same bat time, same bat channel.

I just looked at the bat upside down, AND HE’S SMILING! He planned it this way so he could get all of the bugs! IT’S A TRAP!!!

Hm, I think I would be worried about this bat being rabid IRL, what with his affinity for light and all.

YAAAAY BAAATTT! Congrats, dude! I am so happy! Wheeee, purchase purchase purchase!!

So snuggly and cute! Congrats Dianasprinkle!=)

H’mmm. If fear of the dark got together with fear of smoking, would they have a nyctotine?

Cute shirt. He’s got his own built-in blanket and a night light.

Bliiiiiinded by the light,
revved up like a deuce,
another runner in the night

Very clever. I like it!

Hey, maybe we have this design all wrong. Perhaps it’s not a night light at all. Perhaps the little fellow just had an idea. We may be witnessing a “Eureka!” moment.

Grats on the print :slight_smile:

Purchased without a second thought! The world needs more adorable bat shirts. It’s rare to find one that isn’t the stereotypical open-winged bat silhouette, or doesn’t have HAPPY HALLOWEEN emblazoned across it with ugly sequins.

Wooo the tiny bat made it! Thanks so much for all the votes! I’m so happy this guy managed to get printed I mean how else will he pay that huge electric bill. =D

i get bats in my home. i had one i couldn’t find for about 3 weeks last year. i named him eugene. i wonder how many of you are afraid of them?

^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^

I deem it to be rather “clitoral”, or maybe “vaginal”, or, at the very least, “uterine”…

there you have it, shirties…

Actually, that bat looks more like a fruit bat (the elongated, ‘fox-like’ face in particular), who actually do see with their eyes rather than echolocation. Typically it’s the tinier, smush-faced bats that are blind and echolocate.

more info: Megabat - Wikipedia

Also in for one, I love bats.

I’m your only friend
I’m not your only friend
But I’m a little glowing friend
But really I’m not actually your friend
But I am.

Woohoo! Very happy to see this design. It’s full of charm and there isn’t a line on it that doesn’t do something important. Way to go, Diana!

This is really cute, I feel like hugging the little guy!

You know what would really have made this shirt? Some glow in the dark ink for the lightbulb.

congrats on the print Diana… I really like this shirt; & as someone else said it is nice to see a non-ugly bat!!
I am sleeping on it ONLY because I have had a $eriou$ tee$hirt month!!