Odd big banner appeared over the woot web site...

I copied the banner:

Fandom and our partners use technology such as cookies on our site to store and collect information from your browser to personalize content and ads, provide social media features, and analyze our traffic.

As set forth in our privacy policy, where we use these cookies, we do so only either where (a) the information can be collected based on our legitimate interests, or (b) you have consented to our use of such cookies by clicking / tapping “ACCEPT” below. By consenting, you permit us and our partners to collect information such as your browsing history on our site and IP address to provide ads that are aligned to your interests.

For additional options, please select “LEARN MORE.” Note that if you do not accept, you may see ads that are less relevant to you and certain features of the site may not work as intended. You can change your mind and revisit your consent choices at any time by visiting our Privacy Policy. For information about our partners using cookies on our site, please see the Partner List.

Is this from woot???

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You can thank California. I’m sure @wajeremy is well acquainted with CCPA.

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That’s our friends at Curse who stick the ads down the side. Looks like they are getting more crazy with their notification of GDPR and CCPA game. Blargh.