Odyssey White Ice 2-Ball Lined Putter

Sad lefty here

Previous Sale

Odyssey Golf White Ice 2-Ball Blade Lined RH Putter

Price Comparison

Woot Today = $59.99 + 5 shipping

Callaway Golf = $149 + Ships Free

Amazon = $97.00 (34") $90.99 (35") + Ships Free

Golf Headquarters = $89.99 + $9.81 Shipping.

ebay = $102.99 + ships free

WOOT Price Today is $26.00 below best price found above

The prices and links shown above are from a random search using Google. Your own search certainly may find differing prices and/or even lower prices.

5 star reviews from Callaway and Amazon
Also a man with a fabulous accent gives a glowing review,
Thought I might actually offer something somewhat useful.

So why the blatant discrimination, Woot? Every time you’ve had a golf club that I’ve wanted, it is right-handed only. Some day you’ll find yourself in a dark alley surrounded by sad looking men in odd looking pants, menacing you with decrepit old golf clubs - in their left hands!

Someone had asked during the original sale if the putter comes with the additional weights. I bought one at the previous sale, and can verify that the putter head cover does contain the tools and additional weights so that putter weighting can be changed.

They should start leftys.woot

As a tear is brought to my eyes, I wipe it away lovingly with my left hand.

Hasn’t everyone tried these out at the PGA Store or Dick’s and put a big mental “WANT” stamp on these. I call 'em science putters. Putt with science- not skill.

We’re not intentionally overlooking lefties, we promise. It’s just that vendors are often overstocked on a limited assortment of products.

We’ll keep actively searching for more deals on left-handed products.

Like a golf glove for my left hand? Sweet!