Oodles of Noodles

Hungry hungry panda. Cute, but somehow not giving me a raid the refrigerator urge.

Woo(t)! Love it!

I love that worn effect. It’s Panda-tastic!

Might need to buy one to wear the next time I go to Panda Express!

I’m a little bummed not to print, but happy that this was the final print - sooo adorable and well done! I might just have to get this one. Congrats noxandpy!:smiley:

Guess we’ll have to use the back door for a bit. I’ve put in a call for someone to smack the server to get the discussion links on the main page.

Zomigosh you guys! Thank you so much for voting this guy into the top three! This is the first print for us, and I can tell you, the squeelishious, hyperventalative phone call that just happened between Nox and I was AMAZING.

Thank you all so much, for reals, we’re super excited!!!

So this derby had first time artists for all 3, didn’t it?

It looks like he’s munching on Rapunzel’s hair!

Congrats noxandpy! :slight_smile:

So I’m not the only one that immediately thought about Kung Fu Panda when they saw this shirt, right?

As a WoWer, my first thought was “I CAN WEAR A PANDA WHILE I PLAY A PANDA!!!” Your mileage my vary!

Now there’s a bear who doesn’t feel ashamed to hit the buffet line more than once, and I say more power to him!

[QUOTE=ThunderThighs, post:9, topic:359449]
So this derby had first time artists for all 3, didn’t it?

Now that deserves a QP. Go ahead and give it to yourself :tongue:

ThunderThighs observes, This derby had first time artists for all 3.

Go ahead and spotlight your post. If gatzby gives you any flack, tell him I said it was okay.

I’m a hippopotamus and I’ve got noodles on my back…

If anybody seemed to notice or care, I might. Alas…

If it makes you feel any better, benjaminleebates, lyonscc, Nox and I TOTALLY care. <3

Add me to the list who say you deserve that (q)uirky (p)anda.

[QUOTE=noxandpy, post:17, topic:359449]
If it makes you feel any better, benjaminleebates, lyonscc, Nox and I TOTALLY care. <3

[QUOTE=Narfcake, post:18, topic:359449]
Add me to the list who say you deserve that (q)uirky (p)anda.

You HAVE to do it now TT!

Fine but it’s under duress. :tongue: