Open Mike

*feeling light-headed and woozy…

but then we would have know you were lying and never returned.
(btw, you’re not giving out free beer, are you?)


Fine, but I only have Tyskies:

Well, here goes nothin’



end of test

When did the sig lines come back??

About 15 minutes ago . . . sorta . . .

I think all these code problems are a sign of the apocalypse . . .

As in, “It’s the end of the world as we know it” ??

Yes . . . but that’s true of every new day, isn’t it?

Hi, ace.

Heya!!! Forums seem kind of slow loading. I see the sig lines are back.
A beautiful day here today, sunny and about 70 degrees, super busy at work!

Over 80 here today and I was stuck at work . . . s’pose to storm on the weekend, of course!!!

No, the wind is. Do you remember a year with so much wind. And the Mayan calander only goes to 2012.

But I saw a show that said every generation since Christ thought that the apocalypse was near.

Poof giving out her real name will be the real end of the world!

Hi Ace. Over 80 here too!

Hasn’t been particularly windy here . . . maybe it’s just the apocalypse for Long Island?!?!?

This is soooooo PWA; drivin’ a person from his own thread . . .

Yeah, PWA needs its Ws back!

//sets fire to…um…something.

My new places always get torched!

Hey, qwerty, low screen resolution much? :wink:

Even my grandma can see those icons…from the grave! :wink: