Optoma Pico Travel Projector

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Optoma Pico Travel Projector
$158.99 + $5 Standard OR $8 Two-Day OR $11 One-Day Shipping
Condition: Refurbished

DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!

Wow…another stellar product…

Great for underwater viewings of Ishtar.

Apparently woot is serious business…really cant see the non business use for this, but I spose you could do a whole retro slide thingy with your vacation pics and party likes its 1959!

if i projected bacon will it come in clear

Does it include any bacon in the purchase? Or a rebate for bacon?

this is PERFECT for sending out the bacon signal

Does anyone know if this is actually a decent projector… I’m always hesitant with products like this since I have never owned one…

Will this work with my MAC?

i like turtles


No, spend more money for a better, less portable solution. This has worse resolution than most phones. At 70 inches in screen size, you would be able to see ~ 45 pixels per inch.

No, 18 Lumens! Most projectors are 1500+


when you just absolutely have to show strangers your vacation pictures.

Ok thank you for helping me understand it better! truly appreciated.

bring a paper, and pencil and draw what is on your phone… it will give you a better result

PC Mag did a review. Sounds okay for occasional business use.

In Soviet Russia, bacon projects you

hey inkycatz, I sent you the recipe