Ora Smart Plug Wi-Fi Outlet

Will it work with Google Home?

From the December offer:

We did later find out it works with Alexa. Nothing on Google Home though.

What about IFTTT Support? I was unable to find any info on it.

Just received my order of 2. Took about 20 minutes to research, configure and hook up to my Echo. You must use the Tuya Smart app which has an Alexa skill in order to connect to Alexa.

Does it come with a built-in web server with wide-open directory-browsing permissions?

Does it use WPS and refuse to let you disable it?

If Ora forgets to update their SSL cert, will the plug get stuck in the on position in an attempt to flood and/or burn my house down?

Because I only want one if it is fun.

Finally a day to try hooking up my four pack of smart plugs! Initial UC Smart Home in Chinese. English version still has Chinese here and there. Have tried connecting plug half dozen times and it tells me my network is unstable, while never had trouble hooking up anything to it before. Tried turning off computer and Smart TV, still no go. iPhone is connected to network, and plug seems to rush to 60% connected, whatever that means, then creep up to 100% and tell me to try it again, reinserting the WiFi password, et al. I begin to suspect this is discounted because it kept getting returned by customers.

Uh oh. Sounds like your order might be defective. If you haven’t already, please use the Customer Service form to report these issues.

Hurrah! The Tuyasmart app did the trick nicely! Much more straight forward and remembered the password on the network between new plug setups! A fine outcome! Thanks!

I finally received mine today. Took me about an hour or so, to do the downloads, register and finally connect. A bit of a hassle, but so worth it