neat, but i wish the design was a little higher up.
lame! the two i wanted are the two that haven’t been sold yet. looks like i’m only getting one…
Wait…?? Today is Saturday. Why a new shirt?
[QUOTE=matt19855, post:4, topic:86135]
Wait…?? Today is Saturday. Why a new shirt?
7 days a week now…
If I knew they were selling more than the winner, I would have waited.
[QUOTE=matt19855, post:4, topic:86135]
Wait…?? Today is Saturday. Why a new shirt?
They not sell the top 3 shirts. #1, Friday #2 Sat and #3 Sunday
Oh…Thanks! I did not get the memo.
2nd chance sales begin the day after originally offered, for an extra $5. Available shirts are from current and prior week, plus the ten highest sellers of the remainders. Also see Day of Reckoning FAQ, and Wikipedia w00t.shirts
Current week:
3766 = The Organic Light Beam (Derby 5 Runner-up)
3764 = Jellyfishalicious (Derby 5 Winner)
3743 = Fire Swallower
3694 = GI Metro
3693 = Duct Tape Man
3689 = See-Sawlitude
Prior week:
3687 = BreakfasTopo (Derby 4 Winner)
3686 = Stereo From Above
3681 = Driving To Work
3680 = Pirate Trip
3677 = If You Want To Destroy My Chainmail
RSVP – Reckoning Survivors Very Purchasable:
01 Nobody’s Perfect
02 Chimpanzee Robusto
03 Sore Thumbs
04 Sea Chimp
05 Reality Isn’t For Everyone (Derby 3 Winner)
06 The Rustic
07 Unhappy Meeting (Derby 2 Co-winner)
08 Rat Rod
09 Threat Level: Doctorow
10 Snowmen In Heat (Derby 2 Co-winner)
…and also, until further notice…
shirt.w00t! Launch
RIP – Reckoned Into Perpetuity:
Hello Squidbucket! – Nerdy Laundry – American Samurai – Cube One (Derby 1 Winner) – Too Hungry – Scales & Bubbles – Sci-Fi Weenie Roast – Robot Service – The Must-See Comedy Shirt of the Summer – Word Problem – This Here’s My Unicorn-Huntin’ Gun
Uhhh, Yessss. Ya know were using the new cover sheet for the TPS reports. Yeah
I love the color and it is different ,I like different ~ Got mine ~
Sorry it was this one.
Why do the shirts I vote for never win…
In for one. Finally, I can get the shirt I voted for.
awesome they are doing 7 days a week now.
Sorry but I have to pass on this one
I really want the Tree shirt, but if the tree shirt doesn’t go up (ie is the loser), then I would cnsider getting this shirt.
Do people think Tree will beat out Phoenix?
Also, do you think I’ll look silly in a women’s small, I’m about 90 lbs…
I like the tree one… I hope it is tomorrow!
Cool shirt. I’m looking forward to more from this artist!
I like the tree one… I hope it is tomorrow!