Origami 4-Shelf Steel Collapsible Wheeled Rack, Large

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Origami 4-Shelf Steel Collapsible Wheeled Rack, Large
Price: $79.99
Shipping Options: $5 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 1-2 business days (Wednesday, Apr 23 to Thursday, Apr 24) + transit
Condition: New


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Previous Similar Sales (May not be exact model)
1/14/2014 - $79.99 - 19 comment(s)
11/19/2013 - $79.99 - 13 comment(s)

12/9/2013 - $79.99 (Woot Plus)

I bought the two pack of shelves when it was offered a while back and I can say that they are worth every penny. One of them is actively in use in our front closet, and the other is folded and stowed along side it, getting wheeled out whenever I need additional space. They’re very sturdy and the casters are not cheap flimsy things - they actually roll, even on carpet.