Origami Folding Potting Bench

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Origami Folding Potting Bench
Price: $82.99
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 3-5 business days. (Wednesday, Apr 22 to Monday, Apr 27) + transit
Condition: New


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Why I always fold my pot origamically. Thanks Woot!


I worked all night, so I may be missing this important info, but I don’t see what it made of, nor do I see a weight limit. I feel these are both important items to include in description. I looked at Origami site as well, in the link, and didn’t see it there either.

Open size. L 36” x W 18” x H (36” + 18”) Folded size. L 50” x W 18” x H 4” Shelf size. 36” x 18”

UNIT WT. (LBS) : 26

You didn’t look very hard did you Mr. Grumps? It’s a lightweight potting shelf that features portability…kinda pricey in my opinion…but some may find a use for it :slight_smile: