Ozark Trail Camping Cot

There was a blanket of Cowboy this afternoon. Go back in the blog.

is this one of those things you put in the back of an ambulance?

sigh, doublepost

unless it has been raining for soooo long the ground is soaked…also if it is warm…you get a breeze …just my 2 cents

I’m too tall and too heavy :frowning:

It’s over kids woot is done.

I should get one. I’ll need somewhere to sleep if my husband finds out I was up all night waiting for The Bag to show up (especially if I don’t score one).

Thank you. Definitely not for me then.

As high as $58 in a google shopping search. You better all buy three now. lol

of course it is, don’t you see that comfortable steel rod that would be directly across your back

Wrong… Cots are always an improvement on the ground, especially if you have back issues.

I don’t have this particular cot, but it’s cleaner and drier than the ground. I use it for when I sleep outside (no tent or nothin’), and it keeps critters off and a good amount of dew from soaking you.

Amateurs…tent is for storing camping gear, car is for sleeping.

just bought 32 of these. should work well to replace the cots in the summer camp I just bought. Nice place, they call it crystal lake. I think these will really tie the cabin’s together.

just bought 32 of these. should work well to replace the cots in the summer camp I just bought. Nice place, they call it crystal lake. I think these will really tie the cabin’s together.

I slept many a night on a military issued one. Believe me a lot better than the hard ground. We also could have two guys sit on it and play cards, but the Army issued ones were more heavy duty.

A cot? Do people still use these? If so, what for?!


I slept many a night on a military issued one. Believe me a lot better than the hard ground. We also could have two guys sit on it and play cards, but the Army issued ones were more heavy duty.

I know my Woot stupidity is about to shine, but what the hell is the bundle of crops people keep talking about.

and more stuff to carry? no please no no no… it’s for her and I have to carry it?

ground it is!