Panasonic Rechargable Sonic Toothbrush

Product website with no reviews.

$89.99 on Amazon with free shipping.

[MOD: May have sold out. Now seeing $96.]

Please tell me this toothbrush is not refurbished…

Bravo, Woot writers!

I’m holding out for a Sonic Screwdriver

$89.99 @ J&R also. No reviews either. Must be a new product. Saw a couple of fake buzz sites to get search engine placements.

Was $114 @ Newegg. Almost got two as upgrades to my sons Oral B rotating brush heads, to be like mine, but then I realized mine was a Philips, not a Panasonic.

It looks nice, though.

Who looks at a toothbrush and thinks ‘Ooh, this could be a bit more sonic’?

Thanks for my first laugh of the day!! :smiley:

We love most things Panasonic - but had no clue they made tooth machines! They make everything.

I won’t buy any electric razors other than their fancy 10,000 rpm/cycle whatever models.

One concern: you can even get Oral B replacement brush heads at Costco - haven’t seen these anywhere.

If Panasonic ever got their US distribution act together they’d be like Sony 10-15 years ago in the US. They should fire whoever is in charge of US marketing/distribution and start over.

Even though the toothbrush comes with 4 heads, you won’t want to share it with others—trust me on that.

So buy 2 to keep peace with the spouse.

Why would anyone do a price check against the company that owns Woot? Seems like it would be extremely easy for Amazon to manipulate prices, since they own both companies.

As someone who spent enough time in a corporate world, you’d be amazed at how little communication there can be between different departments let alone what are actually 2 different companies.

Lots of time things like this are done with zero involvement at the detail level.

I’ve got the Diamond brand version of this which came with an infrared toothbrush head cleaner for less than this price. Though its interesting this ramps up to speed (not found that to be even a thought with mine though) and comes with four brush heads (mine came with only three).

But the infrared brush cleaner (which glows a nice blue under the lid) gives me an increased sense of clean.

Independent Subsidiary

I was thinking about this but the Diamond version with that infrared cleaner has more appeal. I can’t imagine a price cheaper than this though. Costco is selling the Diamond for $149. Where can you get these cheaper they’re so darn expensive!

Was about to buy since my Sonicare is on its last legs, then realized replacement heads are $20 each! That’s even worse than the overpriced Philips Sonicare heads!

No thanks.

Would not make a difference to me, it is the head that contacts your teeth, and those are replacable, so every member of the family has his own “brush” which attaches to the appliance in handle.


The buying team has notified me that more wooters need clean teeth. Therefore, they have lowered the price on this baby to $69.99 to encourage more of you to take on better dental hygiene. What better way to do that than with 28K brushstrokes per minute!

So get out there and buy one for you, your in-laws, your boss… heck any one.

Just buy them because I hate seeing the buyer in this state. The wailing is ear piercing.

Small print: If you already purchased, the difference will magically appear back in your account shortly.

I just purchased a pack of two at Walmart for around $18.

Odd they would have the same brand. Wonder if Phillips. Have seen good reviews for Phillips (Sonicare - which I have) and Oral B, but nothing on Panasonic.