Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Is this the USA version of the game or is it foreign?

I just got mine in and its MSE version.

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My special stepped on by the delivery guy edition is intended for Middle East/Southeast Asia.

Gotta admit, I am peeved. Some false advertising going on, picture shows US version, did not receive that and not disclosed from what I can tell. Sure it’ll work, but I don’t like being deceived. The link to Amazon on the item points to the US version as well.

I’m sorry. Please reach out to Woot! Customer Service. To speed things up, let them know if you prefer a return/refund or a replacement (if possible).

Please allow 24-48h for them to respond.

Browser: Use the Woot! Customer Service form.

Woot! App: Choose Account from the bottom navigation and then Support.

Self-Return: Items without Li-Ion batteries can be self-returned within 30 days. Go to your Order Details to get started. The return label will be emailed from UPS.

Note: Woot! Customer Service replies go to the email address on your Woot! account, not your Amazon login email if used/different.

Appreciate the response, I did some research on my end and my main concern is how it registers the cart and possible DLC marketplace issues in the future. As far as I can tell, this region still registers to the US store. So, long story short, I think am good. I’ll stick with these copies as there is no functional difference that I can find just didn’t like the surprise. Thanks, again!

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The same thing happened to me with luigis mansion 2 HD. Bought it thinking i was going to get the US version but got the middle east version. Cost me 10 bucks to send it back for a refund. Long story short, im out 10 dollars. Never again.

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Weird. Woot usually covers the cost of return shipping.