PB and Jellyfish

Some types of jellyfish are edible. My mom went to an authentic Chinese restaurant and had a peanut butter and jellyfish dish. She said the jellyfish had a crunchy texture.

you said it spongebob!

Now THAT, I want explained. How the heck did jellyfish have a crunchy texture?

Hey, I bought one. I’m not sure if this helps your case at all.

nudges Gatzby She said cool people… Don’t kill the popularity of the shirt!

j/k Gatz :wink: It’ll be cool

Depends on how it’s prepared.

I never use jelly, I am a straight PB man. Despute this , the shirts illy is sweet.

the crunchy texture doesn’t make up for the horrible taste, though.

It really depends on how it is prepared. I think I’ve had jellyfish before, but in a non-crunchy style. :slight_smile:

Me too!

yeah I figured, but I’m still interested (genuinely) because I have never heard of it being a crunchy texture is all.

I love this shirt.

mmmm deep fried jellyfish

I don’t think I’ll be getting it though. The phallic comments really pushed me to the pass side. XP

I thought they were too delicate for that. (hopefully they aren’t getting confused with octopus, squid or cuttlefish)

Jellyfish is not crispy crunchy like Cheetos. Although I personally have not eaten jellyfish, I have eaten seaslugs at a Vietnamese restaurant, and they were a gelatinous kind of crunchy – rubbery, but it breaks apart when you chew it and makes a crunchy sound. I can’t think of a mainstream American food that has a similar texture.

This link describes jellyfish as having a “crunchy resilience”.

Krull and Ice Pirates on regular Woot? Wow… blast from the past. On a different note, has a daily shirt sold out recently? I know a lot of the derbies have.

woo hoo wiki!

“Traditional processing methods, carried out by a Jellyfish Master, involve a 20 to 40 day multi-phase procedure in which the umbrella and oral arms are treated with a mixture of table salt and alum, and compressed.[3] The gonads and mucous membranes are removed prior to salting. Processing reduces liquidation, off-odors and the growth of spoilage organisms, and makes the jellyfish drier and more acidic, producing a “crunchy and crispy texture.””

That’s a great explanation, nonetheless. Thank you! There are just some things you don’t get to experience in God’s Country, USA. Makes me wish I was on the coast again to find a place that I could honestly experience it. I like Vietnamese springrolls though (we have a very small Hmong restaurant here that I can have some of their traditional food) but they stay away from seafood because this area just doesn’t have high enough quality of food once shipped in.

Thank you for explaining the texture. I am intrigued, croco

I was up for that challenge. :slight_smile: