Periodic Table of Scientists

Really cool idea. I agree that it’s better on a poster but as a lady I’m biased that way.

That said, maybe this is a good time to remind designers about the value of proof reading by someone familiar with the subject matter. Whether it’s the spelling of a scientist’s name or the grammar in a foreign language, the geeks who would buy your design won’t do that if you got a detail wrong.

I wonder how many people see “Heisenberg” and think it’s a Breaking Bad reference.

I hate to break it to you, but Werner Heisenberg was a theoretical physicist.

I didn’t know Marie Curie discovered copper AND radium!!!

I think there’s too much writing on this. I’m not sure I want someone squinting to read the small print, I’d feel like a EULA…

Where are the close-up images? Usually when there is this much detail, there are close-ups of each section, so you can actually read it. I can’t zoom in close enough on this one to actually read any of the names. It s too blurry.

Will the typos be fixed before it prints?

Why isn’t K for Kelvin, N for Newton, and F for Fahrenheit?! We already use those in real life to stand for their scientists.

Zeno was not a scientist. In fact, he was the OPPOSITE of a scientist; he was a philosopher who thought that “reasoning” should always trump empirical observation. A scientist would tell you that if empirical observation contradicts your reasoning, it means you need to reevaluate your reasoning.

Meanwhile, Cm (curium) really was named for Curie, but the shirt tags it with clark-maxwell…

I’ve alerted staff to survey and double check the typos earlier this morning. Once I hear some further info I’ll let you guys know.

I was all over this until I realized how few biologists there were listed. As an evolutionary biologist, I just couldn’t buy a shirt that left out Charles Darwin. Maybe it needs to include some future elements to cover the notable exceptions.

Actually, he considered himself a chemist and I am pretty sure that most people understood that the dude on breaking bad was in homage of the chemist…

It’s a “buy” for me if fixed!

So, wow! Thanks to the wooters who voted for my design, and a sincere thanks/apologies to everyone who found the errors that I somehow missed even after multiple reviews.

If I could put exactly how I feel right now into video form, it would probably look something like this:


Lovely concept & very wearable.

How ironic is it that this shirt misspells the man who invented the periodic table itself? MeNdeleev…not Medeleev. FOOLS! >:P

When I hover my mouse over the design I get a magnifying glass and when clicked it enlarges the image. Then I can move around the entire image to see the details.

Einstein was mentioned in the write up but not included in the table? At least I couldn’t find him.

Never mind. Just found him towards the bottom.

Are you kidding me? Celcius?

If you’re talking temps, maybe, but the man spelled it Celsius.

I never saw it spelled with two c’s and an s until googling it just now. Even the OED has it Celsius apparently.

Huzzah for Science! Huzzah for second prints! Grats Tjschaeffer-

I agree with you on that weird situation with Curie, but as for Zeno…

Eh, who cares if his views were antithetical to the scientific method? There are plenty of people on this chart that weren’t quite scientists, and didn’t contribute anything as important as Zeno. Without Zeno, I sincerely doubt we would have found calculus – let alone twice simultaneously (or once, and then once copied).