Pertelian External LCD Display v4

next plz!

pass but looks cool.

If this were like $10, I’d be all over it… PASS

where is my bag of cookies???

??? queso??? fromage???

interesting, but still not pretty pappas!!

What is a Leakfrog

It makes my brain hurt to think that some engineer designed this.

They need to change that yellow button to “I WANT NONE” when this garbage comes up…

Woot Watch: 85% Left!


Media Center PC’s - Show your song/movie/track output. Works in Winamp with some of the LCD screen plugins as well as MythTV and addons to media center.

hack away

last time

BTW… this is to expensive… $20 shipped… maybe

… i think you will be the first person to reply to the next woot …

Please, no, First a leakfrog, then a Irobot, then A Roomba…actually all of those would allow me to sleep…

Seems like Police or Fire could use these in their vehicles.

WOW… now this is what I have been waiting my whole life for !! LOL

These things are fun to play with, can be useful if you want constant update from something externally

Set this up to get RSS feeds during Wootoffs :slight_smile:

Jmz5: Any one have a woot off ticker that makes noise when there is a new woot???

I like it, but I’m not paying $40 for it! It’s very geeky. That’s why I like it and totally pointless, by the way. I already have a $400 MDA, and I can check my email on that anywhere that I want.

I could see how that could be a pretty cool thing to have… but dont really need it for anything…

10 bucks maybe… but 40? i think not…