Pink Floyd “Oh By The Way” Studio Album Box Set

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New Pink Floyd “Oh By The Way” Studio Album Box Set, for $124.99 + $5 shipping
Product: 1x Pink Floyd “Oh By The Way” Studio Album Box Set

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never understood pink floyd


would be great if this wasn’t the internets.

Ahhh I see… you were supposed to buy the speakers so you could buy the music next…

Where the heck did they dig that one up ?

Pink FLOYD Wooo

Ha ha. Charade this woot is.

all we are, is dust in the wind, dude.

Not for my taste in music…


ahhhh, man … I have a friend who would kill for this. Too bad I have no money.

The “I have to have that” ad is making me seasick…bile is on the verge of rising!

I wish I had the money for this set!

maybe you should learn2english?

This will be up for awhile.

Love Pink Floyd, but cannot see myself parting with my cash at the moment for this one.

Look a bag of crap but not the kind you want

falls asleep

they beat up a druggie who was selling it out of his van down by the river XP