Pinnacle PCTV Remote Kit for Windows Media Center

Would this work on a mac?

I wants my TIVO REMOTES. Kids keep breaking 'em.

Anyone know if this will work for my DirectTV? Can I program it to be compatible?

ATTN Wooters - Gphone is available today for pre-order

Yes It has Wi-Fi , Go to your My-Tmobile login to Pre-order.
Call T-Mobile then to offset the discount for an Upgrade if you are with in
2 Months of your Plan expiration 2 Yr) or 1 Month ( 1 Yr Plans)
Needs a $35 (data+unlimited Messages) or a $25 (data + 400 Messages Plan)

For demo see here :-

Whee. More things that aren’t BOCs.

Does this work with my Roomba?

Will this work on a regular XP install? Id like to control my music and movies from my couch.

What a steal.

Too many remotes already

Hurray! It’s not the Banjo of Consternation!

too cute!!!

Siobhan, I love Underdog, too…especially that ring with the super power pill…never liked Sweet Polly Purebred much, though… :slight_smile:

Talk about lipstick on a pig…

Note: This post contains pricing information for future reference because it is generally not available elsewhere once the next Woot has been offered.

Pinnacle PCTV Remote Kit for Windows Media Center
$7.99 + $5 shipping
condition: New
product: 1 Pinnacle PCTV Remote Kit for Windows Media Center

Long live the Woot-Off !!!


Nice first post!

Ah, if only it was Windows XP Media Center compatible…seriously. I’d have taken one for the team then.

Earlier they sold the box… Now we have the remote…