Pinnacle PCTV To Go HD Wireless

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Pinnacle PCTV To Go HD Wireless
$69.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

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  • 1 Pinnacle PCTV To Go HD Wireless

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New Pinnacle PCTV To Go HD Wireless, for $69.99 + $5 shipping
Product: 1x Pinnacle PCTV To Go HD Wireless

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i c

in for 3


i can say from experince,

you better have a good upload…


At least the TV went quick, I guess

This thing suxx, I got one last woot off. I pawned it off on someone else and got a slingbox instead

How do these really work? I’ve never looked into them…


Everyone must be going to bed. w00t is getting faster and faster now.

I hate Posting Probhations. Not fun, at all.
All I did was post a picture, other people were posting racist pictures.

What a joke

I second the slingbox… AWESOME.

finally something good!

snore… i still have one in the box from the last woot off. I just need a USB fish tank to make me happy…

Buy 3, atleast one of them will have product information in them.