Pioneer AirPlay Music Tap System

How does the percentage on the quantity get calculated? As in, how does it round off? (I secretly want to see a decimal point completely obliterate the right side of the website)

I’m showing 1 with 2 left.

correction: they sold only one. the first and the last sucker are the same thus concluding they have 2-3 more to go.

It appears it is rounded up to the next 10% (I may be wrong)

server crapping already?

They only have 2 to go. try and buy one, when you select quantity it will only let you select two.

I concur. Lateness makes me brain fuzzywumpus.

And yeah, it looks like it rounds to the nearest 10%

Got it. :slight_smile:

This seems needed…

How can you sell this to the iPhone crowd? It is too big, they like everything small and light.

ThunderThighs - Refurb PS Vita - $179.99 (It’s possible - check it out -Geeks - you can under cut them by $20, com’on!)

Of course, their $215 3G model is a better deal, so maybe woot can do the 3G model for $199 or something.

that said, my previous request for the Android gaming tablets takes priority. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank you, Ms. Thighs. (I assume it’s Ms. since I have yet to see you correct anyone who refers to you as a female - if I am wrong, I am sorry.)

PS Vita, as much as I would like to have one, would just sit and collect dust.

Also, must I remind you there are no females on the internet? D<

I wonder, if it is possible to buy multiple (different) item from wootoff and get charged once for shipping?

Yes when you buy something, you pay shipping once and unlock free shipping til midnight on any woot site.