Plump Horse

Plump lump in my throat.


Umm. . .boring

What is this, My Little Pony?

Come on Woot, what is going on?

do only homo guys and chicks buy shirts here still?

What is this supposed to be?

YUCK! Oh…umm…I think I will pass. !!! This must be a joke…right???

Well, no guys will be buying this one. Yesterday’s black was the only decent color I’ve seen here in a while. I’m thinking positive for a good shirt on Friday.

girly, but good… for a girl shirt

at least the wootoff makes up for the shirt… lol

Uhhh… any girls like this?

This can’t be described with words, so I will use something other than a word to describe this: “bleh” Next!

Not a fan.

Woot’s having a woot off…if you don’t like the shirt…head over to woot!

at least theres a wootoff going on

…Only the word fail comes to mind.


i suppose i’d rather have a horse than a big shrimp…

uh, i doubt even blind people would like this

Here’s to assuming Woot saves their least desirable designs for Woot-off days. Save your cash, kids, there’s flashing lights on the mothership!

First woot? Good for you.

And as much as you may like it… I’m going to pass on the shirt… people might think I’m… color blind… not that there is anything wrong with that.

(R/G CB myself)