Pokemon Game Chat (PoGo, Let's Go, et al)

Added @cwolfpack3 and @tufdaawg to the top post.

cwp - What team are you on? (Blue, Yellow, Red)

tufdaawg - What’s your PoGo name and team?

@daveinwarshington - Don’t worry about the video. You keep doing what you’re doing. When you’re ready to do more, ask, and we’ll help.

I will say that you should absolutely friend us all in game though. We can send gifts to you that give you items and help you level up (which also gives you items). Items include pokeballs so hopefully we can keep you stocked.

The absolute basics you need to know?

  • Catch Pokemon (you’ve got this down)

  • Spin stops/gyms for more items
    – Stops are the blue flag poles in the game.
    — Walk close to one, tap on it, then spin the circle.
    — It should turn purple and you should get items.
    — 5 minute cool down between spins
    – Gyms are the big cones with pokemon on top and are Blue, Red, or Yellow
    — Color indicates who currently owns the gym.
    — Walk close to one, tap on it.
    — This shows you what pokemon are in the gym (not important until you start fighting).
    — Tap the PokeStop icon in the bottom right (brings up the spin screen).
    — Spin the circle, get items.

  • Catch more Pokemon

That is the absolute basic. Spin stops for more pokeballs, catch pokemon.

For the friends part:

  • Click on your avatar in the bottom left.
  • Tap “Friends” on the top right.
  • Tap “Add Friend” on the top middle.
  • Type in our trainer codes from the first post.
  • We’ll all get messages to add you as friends.

When you’re ready for more, ask. We’ll be more than happy to help.