Poof Slinky 14K Gold Plated Slinky

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Poof Slinky 14K Gold Plated Slinky
Price: $39.99
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard OR $10 Two-Day OR $20 One-Day
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 3-5 business days (Friday, Jan 23 to Wednesday, Jan 28) + transit
Condition: New


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Search Google](Poof - Google Shopping Slinky 14K Gold Plated Slinky)

Previous Similar Sales (May not be exact model)
12/1/2014 - $49.99 (Woot-off)
10/21/2014 - $59.99 (Woot-off) - Click To See Discussion (8 comments)
9/23/2014 - $59.99 (Woot-off)

12/9/2014 - $49.99 (Woot Plus)
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Get a used one from your local goodwill store and buy a can of gold spray paint.
Or get a 6 pack of gold Poof 50th anniversary slinkies for $29.95 with free shipping packed in a musical box.

Looks like there are only about 5 of these… come on peeps. Get buying!!! You might even be able to melt enough for a new gold mouth. :slight_smile:

OK… maybe a dozen or so.

It is going for over $70 on amazon…

Link to the slink

$40.00 for a slinky? What, are they plated in gold or something?

Why ?

I’m waiting for the unobtainium ones to come out.

Proud to have pulled the trigger lol. So shiny…

81% bought 1,12% bought 2,7% bought 3,100% must be drunk.