Porter-Cable Nailers - Your Choice

Porter-Cable Nailers - Your Choice
Price: $98.99
Shipping Options: $5 Standard* or $18 Two-Day or *$21 One-Day
Condition: Factory Reconditioned

Comparison Links:
[Google Products](Porter-Cable - Google Shopping Nailers - Your Choice) - [Amazon](http://www.amazon.com/s/?field-keywords=Porter-Cable Nailers - Your Choice) - [Previous Woot Sales](Google Nailers - Your Choice)


Porter-Cable Nailers - Your Choice
Price: $68.99 - $98.99
Shipping Options: $5 Standard OR $18 Two-Day OR $21 One-Day
Condition: Factory Reconditioned


Read the Blog](http://tools.woot.com/blog/post/porter-cable-nailers-your-choice-1) [http://www.wootstalker.com/images/buy.png

Buy It](Porter-Cable Nailers - Your Choice) [http://www.wootstalker.com/images/amazon.png

Search Amazon](http://www.amazon.com/s/?field-keywords=Porter-Cable Nailers - Your Choice) [http://www.wootstalker.com/images/google.png

Search Google](Porter-Cable - Google Shopping Nailers - Your Choice)

Previous Similar Sales (May not be exact model)
11/1/2013 - $69.99-99.99 - 25 comment(s)

11/13/2013 - $99.00 (Woot Plus)

Nothing says “Patrick Bateman” like a nail gun. Well, OK, and a chain saw.

Porter-Cable Nailers - Your Choice
Price: $98.99
Shipping Options: $5 Standard* or $18 Two-Day or *$21 One-Day
Condition: Factory Reconditioned

Comparison Links:
[Google Products](Porter-Cable - Google Shopping Nailers - Your Choice) - [Amazon](http://www.amazon.com/s/?field-keywords=Porter-Cable Nailers - Your Choice) - [Previous Woot Sales](Google Nailers - Your Choice)