Post Mongering 10/14/21 (Part 2)

A waycool Balance lamp that intrigues me!

Binder clips!

A BOC? Bag

Mini flashlight keychains, I love these things!

A silky robe, I know who is getting that, a toddlers dr suess tshirt

An adorable suspenders and bow tie set for my grandson!!!

And im also a new volunteer moderator if I believe this t-shirt, this doesn’t mean I’d have to “work“ does it? Feels more like voluntold if so. :confused:

Some no show socks

A travel toiletry kit

A precision screw driver set

I also am having a boy?! No.

Crazy straws!!!

Some parchment papers, I shall go bake cookies now.


And a can of PEAS!!!

Thanks @davejlives !!!
You’re the best.