Post Mongering 10/14/21 (Part 2)

Clotted Cream Milk GIF by Libby’s Larder


Friends Tv Reaction GIF by Nick At Nite

Only need thousands more in 2 hours

And now to resume The Devil’s Storybook, safe from splitting a story between two threads.


Oh… I just missed out on posting one more time on Part 1

20 wieners and counting!

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wow 20k+! I didnt think it would happen


This is tough to post while in bed, I’m getting up dammit
Jumping Wake Up GIF by Brimstone (The Grindhouse Radio, Hound Comics)

THERE WAS a little girl once called Angela who always did everything right. In fact, she was perfect. She had better manners than anyone, and not only that, but she hung up her clothes and never forgot to feed the chickens. And not only that, but her hair was always combed and she never bit her fingernails. A lot of people, all of them fair-to-middling, disliked her very much because of this, but Angela didn’t care. She just went right on being perfect and let things go as they would.

How Could You No GIF