Post Mongering 2/21/23 (Part 3)

Okay, okay, I’m here! Finally got puppers to the vet today; she’ll be okay after some antibiotics and steroids (swollen lymphnode). Thank you for your patience!

Without further ado…

  • scale banana :banana:
  • Woot! bag
  • Amazon Go bag
  • wig cap (obvs) :person_bald:
  • ping-pong balls (my kitties thank you) :heart_eyes_cat:
  • Mort sticker :speak_no_evil:
  • Woot-off lights :rotating_light:
  • Golf mug :golf:
  • Woot! calendar :spiral_calendar:
  • Woot! pen :fountain_pen:
  • red ball #54 :red_circle:
  • FOUR USB mice, NONE of which have their USB dongle (good one, Woot! I got all excited about replacing a :poop:tty mouse at work :neutral_face:)
  • 12 cloth napkins, as if we’re that refined :joy:
  • “Go Away” desk sign
  • Woot! car stickers (joke’s on you Woot! I have a crappy car that I will NOT hesitate to put this on :smirk:)
  • Metal doohicky :thinking:
  • Bluedio headphones :headphones:
  • Echo Show :robot:

Thanks @davejlives! This was a blast! I hope you have room at your desk now to eat lunch. Let me know if you need some napkins.