Post Mongering 8/18/22 (Part 2)

Upon opening I see I also received a lot of tags…

Mama kitty says she likes the shirts and is playing the rolling game… I love the woot! lights!!!

“Please Visit” is XL
“Woot! CEO” is L (wish I got the CEO salary too…)
Oops… try again, sorry.

Thermometer & Blink video doorbell.

Houdini says she likes the “be” card and claimed it.

Angel says the box is her favorite!

As for those darn tags…
All S we counted 268 then I stood up and found one (was it counted?).
Then my helper says here’s 2 more (were they counted)…

So it’s 268, 269 or 271… when I feel better I’ll count again. LOL.

Thanks Dave & Doug but I hope Doug packs less (no) tags next time! Now what to do with them all…

PS sorry about the edits…