Post Mongering 8/18/22 (Part 2)

You take your time sending them out. Be patient for the reveal. It***just***got to me!
Horse Prince GIF by Skint Dressage Daddy

After waiting an eternity for DDC to arrive, I was greatful to recieve 2 of the most wrinkled T shirts I’ve ever seen.
A set of Woot! Lights.
An echo show 5
And of course, a bunch of Woot! T SHIRT tags ( to be counted at a later date).
Perhaps @davejlives and Co. Can stock up on wrinkle release?!?!?! That would make a fine inclusion in the desk crap box.
One T says" we are back" ( I have no idea where we’ve been)
The other says “Woot! Tech” which is hilarious. Because, well it’s Woot!

Thank you @davejlives and all involved for this awesome desk crap!

Hey Dave, instead of balling up T shirts to level your desk, why don’t you use cardboard shims? Or better yet? Bunches of Tshirt tags?


Thanks @FrostByte for keeping track of all that you do. It’s pretty amazing!

Edit: Oops. I forgot. There was a an index card with the word mind on it.
Mind what? My manners?
Do you mind a wrinkled shirt?
Have you lost your mind?