Post your Crap for May & June 2020

Yes, let’s go with that. It’s part of our grand scheme to recycle and rehome them.

What the heck!??! Why are you burning our lovely bags?
And Super Dog is a great name.

Welcome to the Agents of Shield Club. Give the pupper a scritch from me.

I have no idea. Was it from us?

You don’t. They’re new. Two new designs are in the wild.

I was just catching up on the current/last season this weekend.

There it is. The dramatic exit. Oh, how I love these. We do our best. You try building 20K BOCs a year and see how you do on the randomness.


I need some. The neighbor has sticker weeds next to my yard that I need to pull up. Hate those stickers.

Poor monkey tug-of-war. And then he screamed.