Presorvac 5 Cycle Marinater

Food yum

Finally, I can accurately marinate my camera!

This product sucks. Literally. That’s how it marinates.

But… I don’t WANT to give my money up for a marinater. How about something I might actually want to shell out some cash for?

So how is this any different than just throwing my chicken in an old Cool Whip container with a bunch of sauce?

Some great reviews and recipes

Don’t do it… it will break in 1 week!


If so, in for 3!

I could fill this with all of the random thoughts of the day… Let them marinate and write a really sarcastic book. YAY!

What marinades do for your meat.

if this were 6 cycles i would totally get it…

All that suspense building and building. What will the woot gods unavail next you ask!

You guys have a sick sense of humor…

… so buy 2 spares!

shhh, don’t deter the sheeple, we want our BoC’s

Was originally $25 +5 shipping on Woot, I think October 29th 2010 and can now be found online for $40 + shipping

I bought one of these the very first time Woot offered them. I’ve enjoyed having it quite a bit. It does exactly what it advertises it does - assists in the penetration of marinade into a given substance at an accelerated rate. There is a noticeable difference in taste when using this vs. not. Cleanup is simple, and mine has operated without issue for 2 years now. Solid product.

Only if refurbished is spelled N E W.

Mmm…food pr0n:

During the cycling process, the bottom base gently expands, stretching the fibers of the food to enhance tenderizations and full absorption of the marinade
