Pro Caulk Complete Caulking Kit 2-Pack

Wootalyzer’s Pricing Post! - The price of today’s woot item is saved here for future reference

Pro Caulk Complete Caulking Kit 2-Pack
$5.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!

Already got enough Pro Caulk thank YOU!

Yessssssssss. FINALLY! I’ve always wanted one – and now I can get two! :slight_smile:

Woot loves the caulk.

These are incredibly useful if you can find a use for them…

I’m gonna give some caulk to my girlfriend for her birthday! =)

Is it safe to tweet a picture of this caulk?

“No mom. I said they’re selling CAULK, C-A-U-L-K on Woot tonight.”

I am anti-caulk and even I have room for this!

Ugh… I just redid the bathroom caulk yesterday! Thanks for nothing woot!

I smell a Peabody for this writeup! Maybe even a Pulitzer!

I stayed up for this? Damn, Woot…if I wanted to see that much cheap Caulk I would have just subscribed to a certain Twitter feed from a certain Mr. Weiner. Just saying.
Let the Caulk games begin!

I should buy some and send it to Congressman Weiner.

Epic write up!

What color is the caulk?


I own a marble and granite company. Consequently, we do lots of caulking for other men’s wives. The Dap Cap is far superior to these procaulky triangle things.

::braces for the inevitable onslaught of puns::

Here is how the word “caulk” is pronounced correctly.

This is probably the most random Woot i’ve ever actually needed. So much for going to the hardware store on my next day off.