Pro Caulk Complete Caulking Kit 2-Pack

Wootalyzer’s Pricing Post! - The price of today’s woot item is saved here for future reference

Pro Caulk Complete Caulking Kit 2-Pack
$3.99 + $5 Shipping
Condition: New

DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!

does the caulk have a taste?

~!@#$% Shipping kills another deal!

Caulk? Really?

Caulk? how much does Caulk cost that we would be needing a deal on it online? And don’t most people who buy caulk actually sort of need it quicky to do a product?

I mean I suppose this is great if you need to have a stash of some extra caulk.

I do this with my finger!
It works really well after a little practice.

But If you don’t like the touch of chemicals to your skin or want to practice, sure get this!

Yes they are Mac compatible!!

definite bargain… the tubes themselves would be $4 at my local home depot… i should know i just bought some.

Nooooo! I missed the gaming headset and the indoor electric grill thing!!!

Oh well, maybe other stuff I’ve been wanting will come up.

I suck at caulking. Doesn’t matter if I use my finger, the tape trick, one of these tools, or rubber gloves I just can’t get a nice caulk line. I even practiced for two hours once and it went from looking completely awful to looking pretty awful. I hate, hate, HATE caulking and have to re-caulk the tub here soon.

What the heck, people! Not a single caulk joke?