Pull Up, You Fools!

LOL, doh you guys ^_~.

And actually her bald spots change every week. I think she’s a map to the Ark of the Covenant. Just have to figure out how to decipher the patterns correctly…

LOL. You may have a future career as a rodent phrenologist.

Try one of these:


But if you stumble upon the Ark, don’t open it. If it does get bumped open, then keep your eyes shut!

I don’t remember this part of the movie…

Here’s a reminder.

It may have gone like this though - now I can’t remember.

They can’t possibly repel chedder of that magnitude!

So which one of them is Porkins? You know, the one that would have been fine if he’d only ejected into the vacuum of space w/no space suit on? Stupid Biggs…

“Yes, I said closer! Move as close as you can and engage those cats at point-blank range.”
“At that close range, we won’t last long against those mouse destroyers.”
“We’ll last longer than we will against that Death Star! And we might just take a few pieces of cheese with us.”

“Home One, this is Gold Leader.”
– “We saw it. All craft, prepare to cheese it.”
“We won’t get another chance at this, Admiral.”
– “We have no choice, General Calrissian! Our bodies can’t repel spring-loaded force of that magnitude!”

Sigh. I feel like a huge nerd for that. I like the jumping mouse, though! Ackbar kind of looks like Roger from American Dad. -;/ Not quite a buy for me, but a cute concept!

Admiral, How do you feel about ordering this shirt?

I think the meme was better represented in the past.

coughWoot: Server Error*

I will never forget you Poker Game.

My favorite representation was http://shirt.woot.com/Friends.aspx?k=11929

Oh, is THIS the better mousetrap they were supposed to be building? …

Does nothing to dispel the misconception that the moon is made of cheese. Wait a second… That’s no moon.

Come on Woot, we just got that other Ackbar shirt out of the reckoning. Let it go already.

It’s a tarp!

I had never noticed how much Ackbar resembled a cocktail wiener before today. Mind blown.

V.nice cartoonery, you crazy Made With Awesome peeps.

My boss’ name is Akbar and I’m about to test his sense of humor.

Wish me luck.

haha, the comments as always here are so gal-dang amusing. The Porkins comment and Falcon joke blew my mind.

Thanks everyone so far for the SW love/understandable hatred of yet ANOTHER Akbar shirt.

Davide and I thought this was a different enough avenue to go for the joke, since it’s less of a meme joke and more of re-creating the scene’s plot without screaming out the immortal Akbar words on the shirt.

Thanks again for the comments on the tee, may the Schwartz be with you all whether you love this or hate this!

Aren’t there supposed to be droids helping the mice navigate? I’d hate to find out where they are.