Pure Therapy Head & Eye Massager

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Pure Therapy Head & Eye Massager
Price: $99.99
Shipping Options: $5 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 2-3 business days (Friday, Mar 28 to Monday, Mar 31) + transit
Condition: New


Buy It](http://home.woot.com/offers/pure-therapy-head-eye-massager-9) [http://www.wootstalker.com/images/amazon.png

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Search Google](Pure - Google Shopping Therapy Head +%26 Eye Massager)

Previous Similar Sales (May not be exact model)
2/24/2014 - $99.99 - 31 comment(s)
1/16/2014 - $99.99 (Woot-off) - 2 comment(s)
12/16/2013 - $99.99 - 36 comment(s)

12/23/2013 - $99.99 (Woot Plus)

Review from emassagers.net
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I heard Facebook is buying these for $2 BILLION!

What isn’t Facebook buying these days.


Again with the techno-torture devices, Woot?

Dangit!! I wanted to be the first to make an oculus rift joke…oh well. Guess most wooters are YOUNG AND POWERFULL!

I must get the word out on this devise, I can’t get enough of mine. I purchased mine from woot a year(ish) ago.

Half the price on Amazon:

Sold by ShopTronics

Looks like the same thing atleast.

[MOD: looks like they’ve sold out now]

I’m in for one to wear for my Halloween costume as a Daft Punk Top Gun pilot.



Had to do it. :slight_smile:

Although I would probably hold out for the one on amazon (sorry Woot I love you but illness is expensive) I would like to know if anyone has tried it on migraines and how it helped.

I have chronic daily headache and complex migraine disease. All due to a rollercoaster ride (nothing wrong with the ride, but something went wrong in my neck or noggin). 9 years now. Pretty much have a headache/migraine every day.

Failed all other meds, on Neuro #3, he’s a dear but nothing more he can do for me. Pain doc is great too–but I’m already on strong meds that barely work.

Plus it’s my yearly “status migraine”–technically one that lasts longer than 3 days but since I’m an over achiever Type A person, my migraines last from 30-43 days straight. And then I cry uncle and go to the ER for IV medications.

And yes I have tried everything There’s a new gadget on the market in April but you need a prescription and it’s $250 but promising. Still at a fraction of that, if this works, that would be awesome (my 12yo son gets them too, he would probably steal it for a star wars adventure).

Thanks for any experience with this!! Truly appreciated :slight_smile:


Thank you for your question. This product is not designed to relieve headaches or migraines.

I wouldn’t advise purchasing this as a remedy.

Nope, just bought one and they say in-stock. That includes shipping too. Sorry woot you guys lost me on this one. I thought you were part of Amazon or something?


I purchased this about a month back on Woot for the same reason. I have to say, I am not that fond of the device. It does have a squeezing/massaging feature that works on your temples which is nice. Other than that, I was quite disappointed with the device. Also, if you have a big dome as I do, it doesn’t fit that comfortably.
One thing I would recommend is a dietary supplement called Migraine Support Formula. I started taking this about a month ago and have been migraine free for a month!! Like you, I was having them multiple times per week. Good Luck!!

Burns: “Smithers, massage my brain.”
Smithers: “Yes, sir!”

Yikes! You have my utmost sympathy! My sisters and I all get migraines, but none are daily. I am fortunate in being the only one to have ocular migraines. For me, once I realize that the Christmas lights are not really there, I can grab some medication and stave off the worst of the headache. I’ve been stuck in grocery stores or meeting venues until someone can drive me home, since I can’t see at all eventually, but at least I can prevent those toilet-hugging headaches.

I worked with a woman who had something similar to what you experience. The last time I spoke with her she was preparing to have a surgical procedure in which the doctor was to cauterize some of the nerve ending in the back of her head in an attempt to give her some relief. I need to get back in touch with her and see if this helped. If so, it might be another option to check out (unless this is one you’ve already tried!).

Good luck!