Push Up Pump

Push Up Pump
Price: $34.99
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard OR $10 Two-Day OR $20 One-Day
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 1-2 business days (Thursday, Jan 28 to Friday, Jan 29) + transit
Condition: New


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Look at that thing! So I’m not sure what came first, sex or the first push up. Certainly we had to push ourselves up from the cave floor before we learned to make a fire.

Yeah, the guy in the picture probably can’t do a single pushup without this machine.

If you can’t do a single push up, you got major problems. If you want to work your way up to real push ups, start by doing push ups on your knees and also holding the plank position. This thing looks like a joke!

I’ll bet if you attached some wings to this thing, you might be able to airborne if you pump fast enough.

Not for females…