PWA - The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas

lol, now Gman is a teenage girl!

Whatever (in my best valley girl voice) (actually my best jap voice, but that is a regional term for nyc area, same meaning)

Cruzer gripes that we’ve left, we show up, and then he disappears.

See you all later!

Me, too. Naptime.

Me, too. Naptime.

Congrats cruzer on the lp. When am I ever gonna get lp?

You’re not. We’ve formed a conspiracy to make sure that you never get last post.

Hi, boyz and girlz!!!

good evenin

Hiya, kiddo!!! Feeling refreshed? Do you work tonight?

First page! hehe.

LOL, sorry, couldn’t resist!

edit: doh! just noticed I wasn’t the only one with this goofy idea. Oh well. We can be on probation together :wink:

yep - tonite is 14 hrs - 6 - 8a

tryin to shake the cobwebs outta my head…altho am sure they will disappear as soon as I hit the door of that place!

you do anything more funner today than play w yer wifies catalog? :wink:

Well, I may have consumed a beer or two . . .

Oh, and I whined at the way the recently departed PWA thread was closed . . .

beer and whine in one afternoon?

A better mix than beer and spirits . . .

so I’ve heard :wink:

I can testify!