PWA: The Great Wall of Posts

Good Afternoon All, nice new thread Cruzer. Is it too late the say FIRST PAGE?

side note: D’name got your message. Only two words, saran wrap :slight_smile:

edit: didn’t know f i r s t pa ge was filtered

was it weird waking up in a foreign place?

Thanks for explaining better, no1. I suck at explaining things. :frowning:



YES! I mean, one minute I’m sipping martinis and the next thing I know, I’m waking up in a barn with a sherpa and…
Oh…you meant the thread.

I finally got my TIVO set up with networking. Tried to download some shows to the PC and only got sound. :frowning:

for a second there i thought you said you woke up in a barn with a sheep.

Well of COURSE there was a sheep. I never go anywhere without Giggles.

you got a sheep and a sherpa? what a 3-way! i’m jealous!

Every time!

I thought Gman meant that Cruzer had the first and last post of that thread.

now I’m picturing you like this…

Saw on some site (Gizmos or something like that) that there’s now a talking inflatable sheep for…uhm…pleasure uses. You’ll be glad to know that I refrained from posting a picture and/or link. I was sorely tempted though. I now Skek loves surprises.


I find your lack of linkage disturbing.

Oops, just realized pember is a male. The image in my head changed again. l o l

He did. I had first and last post of the one that just closed. No1 had the last post of the one before that and I had the first and last post of the one before that.


um. i don’t think pember has a member.

Wrong! Still not a dude.
But I’d wear that anyway.