Random Crap

Mine’s been processing for 3mins… I think i got it, though

CRAPP!!! Just missed it.

That sold out stupid fast. Bummer.

CRAP! Credit card was expired!

No BVD’s On Christ for me tonight!

I came so close. But missed it again.

aaarg i was finally here to see it and still didnt get in on it

i was in such arush, its still processing my credit card… its been proccessing for like a minute is this normal

wow tried at 2 minutes after and there were 3 by the time i hit the button, sold out

you guys are idiots, nothing in these are ever worth more than $5.

This is freakin awesome… About time… I always seem to miss it… BUT NOT this time… Got 3 and gonna love it… Sweeeeeet

Damn it! No BoC for me :frowning:

Stupid security code on my credit card…<sigh>

How does this go so freaking fast? I hit refresh and it’s sold out!!

Sellout in less than 2 minutes? WTF?

sold out ALREADY?!?!?!

this was going to be my FIRST BOC and i had three in the bag, hit the CONFIRM button and BAM, sold out…just MINUTES after it being posted.


All this time and dozens of woots later I finally get my first bag of crap :slight_smile:

1 minute and 45 seconds!? are you freakin’ kidding me…the first night in like 2 yrs that I have actually been here, in front of the computer…4 mins after MN and I can’t even get the damn BOC…grrrrrr

107% sold the first hour?

I actually don’t want any crap, for what it’s worth. I have way too much clutter already.

are you serious? 2 minutes and its sold out? not fair!

Server lag strikes again!
Maybe next time… :confused:

OH the insanity and i missed out

in 2 minutes… wow