Random guppy

Wootalyzer’s Pricing Post! - The price of today’s woot item is saved here for future reference

Random Crap
$3.00 + $1000000.00 Shipping
Condition: Crappy

Product List:

  • 3 Random Crap

DISCLAIMER Wootalyzer! is in no way affiliated with Woot!, and this post may not always be here!

**Here it is! The Random **


HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR… Almost got me :slight_smile:

bag of crap … whoo hooo!

they got me!!!

is the shipping a joke?

Reviews for this product seemed crappy.

$1,000,000.00 shipping.

It’s a steal.


Shipping is a tad much ey woot?

Does it ship by 24k limo?

very funny :stuck_out_tongue:

what the hell @ shipping

they got me!!!

You got me Woot… I was all sweaty palmed about getting my frist BOC… Way to go.


Shipping kills it.

I want a million and 3 dollar crap of bags!

Good show, woot. YOu got me and ALL of my friends.