Random Samsung Android Tablets

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Random Samsung Android Tablets
Price: $79.99
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 3-5 Business Days. (Thursday, Jul 06 to Tuesday, Jul 11) + transit
Condition: Factory Reconditioned


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Previous Similar Sales (May not be exact model)
5/4/2017 - $79.99 - Click To See Discussion (39 comments)

“After that, things get a bit hazy.”

Been there, done that, never not regretted it.

Okay using logic here:
a) they didn’t say what the earliest model or year you might get is
b) if it didn’t taint the quality of the deal, they would have stated it
c) if there were only a few very old models, they would have not bothered to include them in this deal, so they could promote what a great deal it is given how relatively new all the models are

ERGO there must be A LOT of very old models they will be shipping people with this deal or they would’ve mentioned that the oldest model involved is reasonably new and worth your $80.

Don’t get burned.

More then likely a bunch of Galaxy Tab 2’s 7 inch 2012 which lte models can be found on amazon for 79.99

For ten bucks less you can get an 8 inch Tab A on eBay. Been there done it and it was closer to an open box than refurb. Absolutely no regrets with that. I guarantee that some purchasers here will not be able to say the same. Yes you might be the lucky one who gets something a little bit better but you’re more likely to get something about the same or even worse. For the twenty dollar difference with shipping and taxes is it worth it?

You might want to check out the 39 comments from the last time they tried this. No happy campers. The price needs to be about $50, max.

Woot has gone down the toilet. Back in the day a deal like this would be a no-brainer because it would be inexpensive… But at $80, plus shipping, plus tax? I’d hate to be the guy getting a slow low res tablet for that.

Beware the Toggle feature that can’t be shut off. Thanks Samsung. Brilliant idea. I love trying to use my tablet and then having half the screen disappear. The apps that block the toggle seem to turn themselves off after a few hours.

Make sure you use your Amex card (or any other card with a return guarantee). It has saved me more than once with the junk I’ve gotten from here. And they generally just tell you to throw it away as they don’t want the junk either.

And for me, word of mouth is all I need to move on…

Ordered one last time and have not regretted it. I love Android and needed another tablet for reading and social media stuff. This fit the bill.

There’s a sucker born every minute.

Sadly, I guess Woot is able to offer these because some people will buy them. I don’t understand why anyone would buy this - it’s not remotely close to a good deal.

$50 is about $40 too high for an unidentified tablet from 5+ years ago.

A list of all included random Samsung devices being sold would be nice… or at least the oldest year included.

Are they all Samsung Galaxy S5 and higher? (I got my last S5 for $80) For anything else (like Samsung Galaxy J…) I would probably pass.

I really want to like this and buy it… but I’m really hesitant.

Minimum Android 4.0, 7" display, dual-core processor, 8GB storage.

That’s pretty minimal minimums. Don’t think I’ll be paying $80 for a tablet from 2011 unless it has 8GB RAM and Windows 7.

If you want a cheap tablet just wait till the 11th I’m sure amazon will have the Kindle on sale for $30ish as always, probably be less crappy than these.

This is only partially true. Kindles are good for what they are, but they are natively limited to the Amazon suite of apps.

I have a 2013 Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1, which came with 4.x. It struggles at times, particularly when downloading and trying to play video at the same time. Amazon Prime Video runs like garbage, but once you get a movie started it will do okay(it’s just getting there that’s the problem). High bit rate video(like a high quality DVD rip) struggles as the audio desyncs because it’s not fast enough to play smoothly.

Overall, it’s not worth getting a tablet this old. The apps have moved on, which makes the system run poorly, and the processors are too weak for moderate lifting.

I already have the 7" model and hate all the bloatware that I can’t delete without rooting. No matter how much content or even how many apps I move to the SD card it still tells me I don’t even have enough room left to update apps.
I would only consider this deal for a 10" tablet, but since it is the only one shown with a proprietary Samsung charger instead of a USB, it’s got to be OLD!