Razer Diamondback 3G Gaming Mouse

Anybody know how this compares to the copperhead?

Meh, picked up one of these a couple of woot-offs ago. Decent enough mouse for what I use it for (WoW).

DANG!!! I was waiting for a Diamond Razorback…so close. I love piggies.


Got one last woot off…so far so good…pretty cool.


SOOO much better than the EDGE version…

hey Booperelli what does sdfljksdaf mean? Does it offer enlightenment? I must know.

I met National League Wes once. He was a dick.

I just picked a Razor HABU. Oh well.

Thats a bunch of shit


Too bad I already have mx518 and see no reason for a change…

its 3g, so it must work with a mac!

These should be $12

WTF Woot? Are you hording these rodents?

same crap every wootoff,

Discriminates vs color blind people.

woot… I know you have 8 bottles of balsamic left… give 'em up. Let’s go.

OHHH: 5.8 megapixels per second