RCA 3.2 Cu Ft Compact Mini Fridge

RCA 3.2 Cu Ft Compact Mini Fridge

with some slight modifications it can fit a slim torpedo brand corny keg and CO2 tank and regulator.


That’s impressive!

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“It could be our mini fridge that the solar panels can power if the grid goes down.”

Wife says “no!” The color is “hideous.”

“But if we wait until we need it the cost will be much higher.”



You could easily rattle-can this to a beautiful glossy white for less than $10.


the gray magnet seal just pops out for easier door painting… mine isn’t going to stay lilac forever…


I got this lil fridge quite awhile ago (ie I know it’s out of warranty, no need to say anything- this isn’t the point of the post). I wonder if this thing has had an unsealed side of the door the whole time. The seal on it is fine, the door seems a little “bowed”. I’ll see how long I can live w/ a bunjie cord on it. My ceiling limit for purchases here keeps dropping as time goes on…