RCA Active Noise Canceling Headphones

I need sleeeeepppppp!!!

Time for some sleeeeep…

Good grief man! That lasted forever last time.

The Fed could issue its own debt or short-term paper. The debt would be an increase in liabilities and it could presumably buy whatever it wanted with the proceeds. Whether the Fed can do so legally is less clear. It previously used the “incidental powers” given it under the Federal Reserve Act to issue options on federal funds around the turn-of-the century date change, and issuing its own debt would likely require invoking the same thing. As one Fed study has noted, use of such power must be “necessary to carry on the business of banking within the limitations prescribed by [the Federal Reserve] Act.”

only 12dB reduction? but i like to hang out at the airport on the runway…

OMG - I’m gone. Good night & good luck

these are great, i bought 3 last time gonna buy another 3 now. when else can you get noise cancellation for 13 bucks?

(…back to honesty… these are bad… but someone please buy so we can get to the next one!) wtf crap shit

In for one. Good for my keyboard.

In the box:

RCA HPNC500 Active Noise Canceling Headphones
Air Plane Adapter

… that’s airplane!

Okay that’s it for me then. 3:40 am here in Ohio and all that’s on woot is worthless.

How many of you have had luck getting the carrots?

Am I wasting my time here? What is in said bag that I am up at 2:40 a.m.?

Time to eat. Do these need salt?

“airline adapter” what airline uses special connectors anymore?

If you fly regularly, you need something like this… even if you’re not listening to music, it’ll cancel out most of the drone of the plane

Comes with adapter for airplanes. Planes can hear?

i bought this piece of shit last woot-off and noise canceling doesn’t even remotely work. yes i did put the battery in it yet i can hear everything from outside as clear as when its off and now with a static noise.

blah, been watching for about 2 hours now and nothing I would be interested in buying. Be nice to have a shot at a BoC, still havn’t gotten one.

I bought a pair of these a while back on a woot off. Decent headphones for the price, I use as the outside of home pair, sennheisers dont have to bare the elements =)

I bought Otto’s from woot and those worked fine.

can’t justify plunking another $13 + $5 to get more of the noise-canceling variety.

maybe if I bought 2…

$31 / 2 = $15.50

maybe if I bought 3…

$44 / 3 = $14.66
