RCA Dual Format DVD Recorder w/ DivX, HDMI and HD Upconversion


What about my Wii? Does it interface with this?

If the Roomba didn’t kill the Woot, maybe this will sigh

figure about 35-40 of these?

I bought 2 roombas (kind of), so you’re welcome.

ehhh… all the soccer moms and wanna-be techy dads will pick one up. Love you mom and dad… :slight_smile:

it should go quick

another giant paper weight? woot =P

well these are just zippin’ off the shelf

Suffered through a blasted ROOMBA for this POS? Where’s my cabbage!!!

yes, just swap them out when one fills up :slight_smile:

Hurry up and buy!

i need noooo Divx

bring me dancing girls

it looks real nice…abit…refurbished. Saddly TV is crap so there is nothing that I would care to record let alone watch.

yeah, maybe. i hope so because i really need to get the dishes done. washing dishes is not nearly as interesting as a w00t-off!

yea, what should we do? wanna flirt??

pssst, don’t say r1o2x304r5z - 12345 or your post will get deleted.

ill pass


And that is the first time ever that a word filter has made my post sound that much more cool and ghetto. TRU DAT

You can burn DVD on a PS3? PS3 are also TV Tuners?