Reach Out and Crush Someone

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Reach Out and Crush Someone
Price: $8 - 11
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard OR $9 Two-Day OR $10 One-Day OR $8 Ground OR $10 Standard International
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 3-5 business days. (Friday, Jan 01 to Wednesday, Jan 06) + transit
Condition: New


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Previous Similar Sales (May not be exact model)
12/14/2015 - $8.00 (Woot Plus)
12/14/2015 - $8.00 (Woot Plus)
12/14/2015 - $8.00 (Woot Plus)

Really? Where is the BOC???

A shirt. For the same price that you are selling this shirt over on ShirtWoot. ok


Brilliant idea, but I refuse to buy this because: The real AT&T logo already looks strikingly like a 3D Death Star, yet this is completely absent in the T-shirt’s alteration of the logo. A missed opportunity that should have been a slam dunk.